Saturday, February 16, 2013

January 15-31 2013 Potts Newsletter

  1. We had dinner at Cindy's tonight then watched a LIKEN show
  2. We woke up to a very muggy, foggy morning.  I couldn't see past 2 car lengths.
  3. We had Koda over for dinner.  Cindy couldn't make it because of black ice.
  1. Today we had a chance to watch Spencer and Parker while Trisha went shopping and while she and Darrin went to the Temple.  We also enjoyed a visit from Shelisa
18. for our date tonight n planned a fun time. it began with a dArbys dinner then we went downtown to see the movie Lincoln. This is a ecspecially thoughtful because stand had already seen the movie but I had not. Then we went to a European dessert restaurant! what a wonderful evening. Thank you honey.
  1. Dan took Richard out to eat and to see the Hobbit
  2. We visited with John Merchant, went to Anna Lou's viewing and visited Linda Farnworth at the hospital. We felt bad for her because she was  in so much pain.
  3. Dentist was not fun.  For our  date at night I was in charge.  It began with a hoggie sandwhich and a trip to the Jordan River Temple.  Afterwards we went to the D&T deli (Darrin and Trishas) for dessert then to wash Dan's car.  It was fun!

  1. Anna Lou, my visiting teaching partner, passed away this morning.  She has been so faithful through the past 3-4 years.  She was 85 years old and died of liver disease
  2. I just finished reading LET IT GO Chris Whilliams.It is a story of forgiveness. His wife and two children were killed in a drunk driving accident and he chose to have. If a memoir of his life and to grow and his testimony of Jesus. It is well worth reading. I very much and enjoyed it and learn from it.
  1. today I enjoyed spending time with Cindy helping her in her classroom then I went to Darla and we worked on family history. At night Dan Planted  wonderful date
  2. I got to help Margaret with her move
  1. Cleaned the garage, Went to Anna Lous funeral, helped Margaret with move.
  2. Family History organizing with Darla, help Cindy, Dentists.
  3. I just finished listening to the Book of Mormon again.  Once again it was interesting, insightful and calming.  Thanks Heavenly Father.
27. I enjoyed having dinner and a nice long talk with my friend Joanne Pitts while she was here in Salt Lake
  1. Dan reminded me to choose my battles when I was complaining about some things to Joseph.  Margarets final moving day.  I also finished listening to the October General Conference again.
  2. Dan and I worked on the itinerary for the Mediterranean trip again. )

Cindy continues to work tirelessly (although she gets tired) with her kindergarten class.  She had testing, organizing, loving, listening, coloring, cutting, pasting, copying, laminating….activities to name just a few.  Mike continues to take Kalli back and forth to Seminary and weekly Temple trips.  Tiarra helps pick up Joshua from kindergarten a few times a week, Michael was excited when all of his 12 baby rats found homes quickly. 

17. text girls are kissing tumbling classes!
21. McKinley wrote a book and share it with many people!

  1. Tiffany and her household ended up with the flu this week starting with Adam. Yuk!
  2. Adam watched Maddy and had Tiff get a manicure and pedicure.  What a sweet heart

  1. Trisha stopped by and we went on an impromptu trip to Jamba Juice while her house was being shown. Fun!!
18-20  Darrin's side of the family rented a mansion in the Bear Lake area and they enjoyed 3 days of fun!  The mansion has an indoor golf course and it has slides that go from the 3 story structure!!
21- Trish out wrote a wonderful pod you should read it!
Trisha and Darrin continue on the ups and downs of trying to sell their home.  They thought they might have found a new home in Eagle Mountain but it didn't turn out.  It will be an adventure to see what happens during the next newsletter.
29. Potty training trials.  A temple Trip.  A possible buyer for their home!

  1. Joseph took Divits stitches out. Joseph also started school again this week
21. Joseph is refinishing hours late floor. He's doing a great job
26. Joseph and Shelisa had fun in Provo.they got their hair v cut, went or to east, went to the movies and wandered the mall
  1. One of the missionaries in our area has raised pit bulls.  Joseph enjoyed comparing notes.
 I get to spend the evening with the kids. We will have lasagne and pop some popcorn.
Alex has to have her tonsils out next month. Praying that it goes well and I can get the time off worK

Joseph Smiths family had many moves that eventually ended up in Palmyra New York where Joseph was given the Gold plates. One person said it was like a rat maze where dividers move in order to guide the rat safely to it's intended destination. - speaker at church

When coal is hot and glowing as embers it has the ability to ignite other coals.  If it is taken from the embers it becomes cold.  If returned to the glowing embers it can reignite and share it's warmth.  So it is with members of the church.  If they will return to the glow of their ward they can ignite and glow once again. -speaker at church

God shows us a glimpse of what we may become

Never look at another person and think theyare less or better than me

1 comment:

Heidi Hamilton said...

Ahhh - love seeing these slideshows, mom. Makes me feel just a little bit closer to you guys. Can't wait to see you soon! the girls just made a chain to count down the days. LOVE YOU!